Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What is Emet?

A couple years ago I got a tattoo on my left shoulder. The word is truth translated into Hebrew (pronounced Emet)? People ask me all the time, "So why'd you get a tattoo?" Not necessarily in order of importance these are my reasons: Firstly, I like the way it looks. Secondly, its something Kara and I did together (she got sojourner tattooed on her foot) so there is a shared moment that we will always have. Also, its a staple of our time and our church in Louisville. Louisville is a very unique city, very artsy, and we have a lot of good memories from there. Lastly, I specifically chose the word Truth in Hebrew because I had just finished a year of studying Hebrew and I am passionate about understanding truth. I have always found it both astonishing and frustrating that we live in a world that consistently operates on logic and truth (e.g. if you buy something that cost $15 and you give me $20, than I give you $5 in change) yet so few people apply this same logic and truth to morals and to thoughts on God. We live in a world of post-modernism, where everybody says "you have your truth, and I have mine." But what if our truths contradict each other? They can't both be true. We live in a world that says its narrow-minded to tell other people their beliefs are wrong, but its alright to tell people they are wrong if they are narrow minded. In the "business world" society would fall apart if we all made up our own morals, truths, and logic, but this illogical way of living is accepted in the metaphysical, "religious world." Ultimately everything we do and think is shaped by what we think is true, or what is not true. Do you have to get a tattoo to say you believe in ultimate truth? No, but I'm glad that I did.

Emet - Truth