Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Old Posts (2) - Gay Penguins

I've noticed a lot of news articles popping up about gay animals habitating in zoos. Whats the point of observing these gay animals? I'm confident this is an argument against those who say that being gay is a desire humans can control, not a natural, genetic trait. The argument goes if animals are gay then it must be truly natural, therefore gay people are naturally gay, not by choice. One thing I would like to observe from this is not whether being gay is genetic, but rather the fact that people in general realize that animals are different from humans. They realize gay animals provide more proof for genetical gayness than gay humans do. This is huge. Its clear that people, in general, realize there is a clear distinction between the way humans and animals think. So how does a naturalist explain this distinction? How do they explain that the brain is aware that the brain thinks? Honestly I don't know. Animals think, have feelings, and make decisions, but I don't believe that they realize they think. Whereas humans clearly think that they think. I believe this self-awareness can only come from God, and is uniquely given to humans since we are created in the image of God.

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