Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Old Posts (4) - Perspective

I heard a great comment by my pastor at church today that stuck in my head. He made the point that worshiping God doesn't necessarily cause our issues in this life to go away, but it gives us a perspective on life that causes us to have peace. Life becomes difficult and stressful for at least two reasons: both from sin I commit, and because the fact that I live in a fallen world.

Living in America, its incredibly easy to get caught up in the American way of life. We don't realize how far we veer off course. I remember as a kid going to the ocean and getting dragged hundreds of yards by the ocean's current. The current didn't feel incredibly strong when I was in the water, but when I looked for my beach chair, I realized how great its effect on me was. In life, the world's effect on us is like the ocean's current. It slowly pulls us away from God, and we don't realize how far we've drifted until we look back to God. We slowly drift into a love of work, money, and keeping up an image to others. As we focus on these worldly task, we lose the peace of worshipping God. Life becomes more stressful, because it makes less sense. As we turn back to worshipping God, we realize the eternal significance of worshipping God versus the eternal significance of having a gobs of money. Fortune and fame will fade away forever, but worshipping God is eternal.

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